

Refreshed Document Editor 

Over the last few weeks, we have been busy working on a refreshed Document Editor. It’s where many people spend most of their time, and we felt it was due a little refresh. Please take a look below for a preview and a list of changes.

 hubb church document editor

What’s changed?

New look document editor
We’ve refreshed the overall look and feel with updated icons and colour to fit in with the rest of Hubb.

‘Add Module’ is now highlighted, with a new dialog box design
Modules produce automatically updating bits of web pages that you can use to, e.g. show a list of the latest events or documents from a certain group. They are one of the ways you can use the power of the Hubb platform to save you lots of time doing manual updates. We have given our ‘Add Module’ button more prominence, and now, when you open it up, you will see a much-improved panel showing what you can choose to add.


Form fields are now hidden by default
To keep the interface simple, we have moved all of the form fields inside a ‘Forms’ tab, click to open, and the fields slide into view


New default table styling
From now on, when you add a table, it will be cellphone responsive and have a light grey background with a slightly darker grey border. The table will also have some nice padding to keep everything looking tidy.


New mini-column options
Next to the ‘Add Image’ icon, we have added two new features for you. You can add ‘Mini Columns’. Choose between two or three columns. They will automatically switch to one column on cellphone for you too.


Enjoy :)